Die ursprünglich von mir für das ehemalige webdesign-forum.de entwickelte Programm-Sammlung MIDI4all hat nunmehr nicht nur auf schadeck.eu ein neues Zuhause gefunden, sondern mit der Version 2.0 auch ein Update erhalten.
Es enthält Player, Rekorder und Umwandler in Ogg und MP3 und aus WAV Format für MIDI-Dateien samt Notensatz.

Hier die Tools im einzelnen:
MIDIG is a MIDI file player that makes use of wavetable synthesis and digital effects to generate the sound.
You will not need a decent midi-synth capable soundcard to play midi files, just any 16-bit standard soundcard.
Midig features:
- Works at 44100 Hz, 16 bits, stereo
- Up to 64 synthesis channels
- Digital effects: reverb, chorus and echo
- Hi-quality 8 point interpolation
- Resonant filters
- SF2 soundfont support
- MIDI to WAV rendering
- Recognizes more than 30 MIDI messages
- Configurable windows layout
- Karaoke midi files support
- Absolutely freeware!
MidiPiano is a very simple and useful application, you can open MIDI file and simulate play it in a virtual keyboard and record MIDI file by the virtual keyboard or MIDI IN device.
MidiPiano features:
- Support MIDI IN/MIDI OUT devices.
- Simple to Play and Record MIDI file.
- Different color for tracks simulate hands.
- Support 128 GM Patches selection.
- Support customize keyboard layout.
- Support multi-language.
MidiPlay is a free Windows program that allows singers and instrumentalists to play MIDI files and adjust the playback to help them to learn their parts. It shows the position in the score while it’s playing the music.
Free MIDI playback and sheet music notation editor. Oriented for guitars,
it shows chord and scale diagrams. It also allows adding chords and scales
to sheet music. It supports multiple track playback.
Chords features:
- Windows sheet music editor and player
- Compose music in sheet notation, play it via the Generial MIDI instrument set
- View scale and chord diagrams, add them to sheet music
- Multiple track sheet music playback
- Sheet editor also displays in guitar tablature form
- Create Chord Progressions by adding preset chords to sheet music
- Select groups of notes and move with copy and paste
- Set note properties such as sharp,flag,dotted and others
AmazingMIDI automatically transcribes music, converting WAV files into MIDI files. It can recognize single-instrument polyphonic music. It’s a powerful tool to help you to transcribe music, to practice musical instruments and to make MIDI files, and so on.
AmazingMIDI creates an Output File (.mid) from an Input File (.wav) that contains musical data, and a Tone File (.wav) that consists of monotone data. AmazingMIDI analyzes the Input File, assuming that every sound in the file is played with the same tone color as the one in the Tone File. As a result, even if the music contains several different instruments, AmazingMIDI writes down all detected notes as a single-instrument music.
The quality of music recognition depends on the tone color of the music. AmazingMIDI is suitable for analyzing the precise-frequency attenuating sounds like piano or guitar. The drum sound becomes only noise.
Currently, automatic music transcription has no substantial solution in general, but with some restrictions of the domain, it can be both possible and useful. AmazingMIDI is one of these systems, and is still in its infancy. However, again, it’s a powerful chord analyzer.